5 Ways To Reduce Your Water Charge


This article is your complete guide to learn how to save money on water bill by reducing your water charge. There are a lot of expenses that go into owning a home or even renting. There are taxes and fees, mortgages and monthly rent, but the most incognito expense come in the form of energy and water bills. Knowing how to reduce water bill can not only help save your monthly expenses, but can also help you live a greener lifestyle and lower your carbon footprint. That’s why we created this helpful guide on ways to know how to save water bill in simple and easy ways. Some of which you can even start implementing andsave money on water bill today!

Here at The Energy Professor, we want to give you the information you need to not only save money on your energy bill, but to also become more energy efficient. We hope find this post helpful! And makes it easier for you to know more about ways to reduce water charges. Be sure to also check out our one of a kind energy savings calculator!

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5 Ways to Reduce Water Charges


With the rising cost of water prices and cities finding water shortages more common, rethinking how we use water is becoming more necessary. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American uses 82 gallons of water in one day. If you take that cost for the average monthly water usage for family of 4, that’s around $1,100 annually just on water. It’s not just spending that’s becoming more and more difficult to control. Water waste has increased as well by an estimated 180 gallons of water per week for that same family of 4. Needless to say, there are many reasons and ways to learn new ways on how to lower your water bill. So here are the top 5 money-saving ways to reduce your monthly water charge

Top 5 Ways to Reduce Water Bill – Know how to Save on Water Bill

  • Replace your water guzzling appliances
  • Maintain your water system
  • Install water saving fixtures
  • Change your dishwashing habits
  • Consider natural landscaping

Reduced water bills start by changing your habits around water and how you use it. This can be achieved in simple ways like taking shorter showers and reducing outdoor watering. You can even take a more aggressive approach and invest in water saving devices to install throughout your home. Either way, it’s our goal to help save you money on your next water bill with these 5 ways to reduce water bill at home.

Related Post: How to Effectively Conserve Water

5 Ways to Lower your Water Bill

#1 – Replace your Water Guzzling Appliances

Cost: $30 – $200 more than non-certified Energy Star appliances

Estimated Savings: About $450 annually

Important to Know: If you want a lower water bill, take the time to research more efficient appliances for your home. No matter if you’re shipping for a new washer and drier, water heater, or dishwasher, look for labels that indicate the efficiency of the machine. Two tables to keep an eye out for are WaterSense and Energy Star logos. These logos will indicate that the machine runs on 35% – 50% less water and 50% less energy per load! Not only saving you on the water charge but also on energy charges. If you’re in the market for a new washer, consider a front loading unit rather than a top loading unit. The front loading washers use significantly less water.

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#2 – Maintain your Water System


Cost: $35 – $400

Estimated Savings: 10% of your water bill

Important to Know: An annual run-through of your water system could save you thousands on repairs. But it can also impact how much you’re spending and can be one of the ways to save on water bill. Every day run of the mill household leaks can waste up to 10,000 gallons per home each year. Make sure your home has no leaky faucets, toilets, or hose lines to save money on water bill. Repairing leaks can be as simple as changing a washer, grabbing some pipe tape or replacing a worn toilet valve seal.

Related Post: Increase your Water Heater Efficiency

#3 – Install Water Saving Fixtures


Cost: $100 – $10,000

Estimated Savings: $350 annually

Important to Know: While changing your water usage habits like turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth can help lower water bill, there are also ways to conserve water with the tap still on. Replacing faucets, shower heads, and toilets throughout your home with WaterSense certified models can reduce water bills but hundreds of dollars annually. These models reduce the flow of water without compromising performance. But if you’re not in the market to replace all your water fixtures, you can still transform your units into water-efficient ones. For just a few dollars, you can install aerators to your existing faucets for  reduced water bills

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#4 – Change your Dishwashing Habits


Cost: $350+

Estimated Savings: $210 per year

Important to Know: One of the best habits to have when learning how to lower your water bill is to run your dishwasher only when it’s fully loaded. Running a full load is more efficient than doing dishes by hand! Washing dishes by hand can use up to 20 gallons of water. But running an Energy Star-certified dishwasher uses 3.5 gallons or less. If you must wash dishes by hand, plug up the sink and fill it with hot soapy water instead of constantly running the faucet.

Related Post: How Much Money does a Dishwasher Use?

#5 – Consider Natural Landscaping


Cost: $10 – $40 per square foot

Estimated Savings: 75% of your outdoor water cost

Important to Know: While this is one of the more intense ways of knowing how to save money on water, it can save you some big bucks in the long run. Natural landscaping, also known as Xeriscaping, is when you transform your lawn to drought-tolerant grass, plants, shrubs, and trees. The best way to opt for water-efficient landscaping is to go with native plants to your area. Native plants have survived in your region for years and are well suited to survive in local weather conditions. We understand transforming your land can be expensive. But there are some cities and water utility companies that will offer rebates for installing native landscaping.

Related Post: What is Green Landscaping?

Ways To Reduce Your Water Charge FAQ

Q: What are the ways of reducing water bill?

A: There are many ways you can start to reduce water bill, but our top 5 ways are to replace your water guzzling appliances, maintain your water system, install water saving fixtures, change your dishwashing habits, & consider natural landscaping. You can also take simple steps such as taking shorter showers and reducing outdoor watering. You can even take a more aggressive approach and invest in water saving devices to install throughout your home.

Q: How can we reduce indoor water usage?

A: While this article has the full list of the best ways to lower your water charge, the most common cause for a high water bill is running water from your toilet. A continuously running toilet can waste up to 200 gallons a day or more depending on the volume flow down the drain. This can cause a terrible increase to a family’s typical water use, so fix toilet leaks as soon as possible.

Q: How much money is saved by shorter showers?

A: By taking 4 minutes off of your shower can save you up to 4,000 gallon of water per year! This can cut your bill by about $100 annually. Taking shorter showers may also help lower your gas or electric bill.

Q: Is it cheaper to have a water meter?

A: If you choose to have a water meter, you will only pay for the water you use. While on paper this seems like a great way to cut your water charge, it could also increase your water bill if not used carefully. If you don’t have a water meter, it means you pay a fixed price for your water. It doesn’t matter how much water you use, your water bill won’t change.

Do you Need Cheaper Electricity?

If you’ve taken the time to understand the information on your bill and discovered you’re paying more than you’d like for your electricity, have you looked around for a cheaper deal? The Energy Professor has a wealth of information on ways to save on your utilities, including details of top deals that could significantly reduce your monthly or quarterly electricity bills.

We hope you found this article helpful! If you are looking for ways to increase the energy efficiency and sustainability in your home be sure to take a look at all of the latest renewable energy options in your area. The Energy Professor helps residential and small business owners find qualified energy suppliers in New YorkNew JerseyPennsylvania, Texas, Ohio, Maryland, Illinois, and Massachusetts.

Kurt Gillman

Kurt Gillman is a seasoned professional in the energy industry, with over 3 years of experience in writing about sustainable solutions for The Energy Professor clients to help them save money. He has lived in various parts of the United States, including Wisconsin, New York City, and Southern California, which has given him a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities presented by different environments and energy needs. Throughout his career, Kurt has been committed to creating helpful energy solution guides that help clients save money while also benefiting the planet. He has a deep passion for understanding of the latest technologies and trends in the renewable energy sector, and he uses his experience to guide readers in making informed decisions about their energy future. As a writer for The Energy Professor, Kurt is proud to be part of a team that is dedicated to creating a sustainable future for all. He understands that every reader has unique needs and goals, and he works closely with his team to develop customized solutions that meet their specific requirements and save them money.