7 Tips on How to Save Electricity in the Summer 2025

Here is our list of top 7 tips on how to save electricity in the summer for 2025! There are easy things like finding cooler places with AC to hang out in the summer or even more involved, like keeping your HVAC clean. But if you want to learn about the best tips to save on electricity in the summer, keep reading.

Here at The Energy Professor, we want to give you the information you need to not only save money on your energy bill but also to become more energy efficient. We hope you find this post helpful! It makes it easier for you to know more about how to save electricity in the summer. Be sure to also check out our one-of-a-kind energy savings calculator!

The Energy Professor Electricity Rate Check Tool

How to Lower Your Electric Bill in Summer 2025


Best Energy Saving Tips for Summer

  • 7. Find Free AC in Public PlacesTake advantage of air conditioning in public spaces to reduce your home cooling costs. Spend more time in air-conditioned places like shopping malls, libraries, and community centers. This way, you can give your home AC a break while staying cool.
  • 6. Utilize Fans Instead of Air ConditioningUsing fans can significantly reduce your energy consumption compared to air conditioning. Ceiling fans use much less electricity and can make a room feel cooler by circulating air. Ensure your ceiling fans are rotating counterclockwise to push cool air down. Use portable fans to direct air where you need it most.
  • 5. Let in Cooler Air at NightMaximize natural cooling by letting in cooler night air. Open windows and use fans to draw in cooler night air. Create cross ventilation by opening windows on opposite sides of your home, allowing for a natural breeze to flow through and cool down your space.
  • 4. Adjust Your ThermostatProperly managing your thermostat settings can lead to substantial savings. Set your thermostat a few degrees higher than usual when you’re home and even higher when you’re away. Each degree can save a significant amount of energy. Consider investing in a smart thermostat that can be programmed to adjust temperatures automatically based on your schedule and preferences.
  • 3. Lower Your Water Heater TemperatureReducing the temperature of your water heater can cut down on energy usage. Set your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This is hot enough for most household needs and can save energy compared to higher settings. Insulate your water heater and the first few feet of hot water pipes to retain heat longer and reduce the amount of energy needed to heat water.
  • 2. Use AC During Off-Peak Energy HoursTake advantage of lower energy rates during off-peak hours. Some utility companies offer lower rates during off-peak hours. Run your air conditioning during these times to save on your energy bill. Cool your home during off-peak hours and then reduce AC use during peak hours when rates are higher.
  • 1. Replace Your Old AC for a More Energy Efficient OneUpgrading to a more energy-efficient air conditioning unit can lead to long-term savings. Look for AC units with the Energy Star label, which indicates they meet or exceed energy efficiency standards. Choose units with a high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating for better energy efficiency. While the initial cost may be higher, the savings on your electric bill will be substantial over time.

    By following these tips, you can effectively lower your electric bill and save money during the summer months.

Related Post: Tips to Lower Your Electric Bill in the Winter

#7: Find Free AC in Public Places


Difficulty: 2/5

Savings: Over $300!

How to: In most states, you can gain access to public spaces for free or at a low cost. Our go-to places for free AC are libraries, museums, movie theaters, and malls!

Why This Works: On average, it can cost up to $0.88 per hour to run your air conditioning. If you run your AC at home for 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, that’s almost $200 in AC alone! Substituting some of those days for days out at public places with free air conditioning can help you save electricity in summer. As long as you keep the activity below $7, you’re saving money! This is especially ideal for those who work from home. Or even a day out with the family to beat the heat!

Related Post: Why is it Important to Conserve Energy?

#6: Utilize Fans Instead of Air Conditioning


Difficulty: 2/5

Savings: Around $300 annually

How to: Window fans are easy to install and don’t require any tools! Simply place the fan in your window and close the window onto the fan to keep it in place. Some fans have side extenders to cover any open gaps that the fan will cause.

Why This Works: Using a window fan is a great way to know how to keep the electric bill down in summer. A fan can either draw cool air from the outside into your home or exhaust stale, warm air out of your home. A lot of fans have a reverse switch, so you don’t have to worry about which way your fan is facing. If you don’t have a switch, just feel which way the fan is blowing air! If you want cool air to come into your home, simply place the fan in the window with the fan blowing into your home. Swap the fan around if you want air removed from your home.

Related Post: How to Understand Your Electric Bill

#5: Let in Cooler Air at Night


Difficulty: 0/5

Savings: 10% of your energy bill

How to: A window fan can help, but if you don’t have a fan, no worries! You can just keep your window open at night to cool off your home. We will say this is a good option for saving energy in summer, but only if your windows have a screen. No one wants to be hot and find bugs in your home!

Why This Works: I’m sure you have noticed that when the sun sets, the temperature drops. This is called radiational cooling! As the earth rotates away from the sun, our little planet expels heat into the atmosphere from the surface, which results in a drop in temperature. Use this to your advantage when saving electricity in summer! The cooler air coming into your home not only offers cooler temperatures but also a nice breath of fresh air.

Related Post: How to Calculate Your Energy Bill

#4: Adjust Your Thermostat


Difficulty: 1/5

Savings: 10% annually

How to: Setting your thermostat only 7-10 degrees warmer than you normally do can significantly help with summer energy-saving tips. You can either adjust the thermostat temperature on the wall unit or, if you have a smart thermostat, by the app on your smartphone.

Why This Works: On average, you can see a savings of 1% of your overall electric bill per degree you adjust your thermostat. While we understand that 70 degrees vs 80 degrees is a large temperature gap, set your system cooler in the morning! By doing this, your AC will work less since the air outside isn’t as hot as it will be later. By setting your system at a cooler temperature and then adjusting it later in the morning, you can save while not having your internal temp at 80F!

Related Post: Save Money on a Thermostat

#3: Lower Your Water Heater Temperature


Difficulty: 1/5

Savings: More than $400 annually

How to: Once you locate your water heater, you’ll most likely have to remove the thermostat access panel. Once you’ve located the thermostat dial, you can either turn the temperature knob or adjust the temperature using a flathead screwdriver.

Why This Works: The recommended setting on your water heater is 120F. Most households hold, however, set their heater to 140F. While this keeps showers and baths nice and toast, it will also keep you asking, why is the electric bill high in summer? Having your water heater set at 140F can cost you upwards of an additional $36 – $61 on your annual energy bill in heating loss. That’s not including the additional cost of heating the water itself! 

Related Post: How Much Does it Cost to Run a Space Heater?

#2: Use AC During Off-Peak Energy Hours


Difficulty: 3/5

Savings: Up to 25% in the summer months

How to: The easiest place to find out the off-peak hours of your electric company is to ask them directly. Most energy companies have this information clearly displayed on their website or in their website’s FAQ!

Why This Works: During the off-peak hours, your energy provider will charge you less for energy used for your home. While the specific hours vary by company, the most common off-peak hours are Monday – Friday before 5 PM and after 8 PM. Any time outside of these hours will be less expensive to use your electricity. Using energy during these hours will result in a higher energy rate!

Related Post: Tips on How to Lower Your Energy Bill

#1: Replace Your Old AC for a More Energy Efficient One


Difficulty: 4.5/5

Savings: Up to 30%

How to: This is the most costly option but the best one to help you know how to save energy in summer! You will need to hire a professional to remove and install an AC unit properly.

Why This Works: Newer AC units have become increasingly more efficient at cooling the warm air they take in. By switching out your old unit for a newer one, you can save up to 30% on energy costs! Depending on how old your current system is can determine how much you will save. If you have an AC unit that’s over 10 years old, you have a potential savings of almost 50% of your energy costs! This summer, energy-saving tips for your home are worth looking into if you feel like your unit isn’t running as it should.

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How to Save Electricity in the Summer FAQ

Q: Can Closing Your Vents Save Energy in the Summer?

A: The short answer is no; you should not close air vents in your house. Closing vents can waste more energy than operating your system normally. How does closing air vents waste energy? When you close vents in unused rooms, your central air system will push the excess air to other places in your home. Sep 29, 2021.

Q: How Can You Save Energy in the Summer?

A: There are many ways to save energy this summer. The top 8 energy-saving tips for summer are to Find free AC in public places, Utilize fans instead of Air Conditioning, Let in cooler air at night, Adjust your thermostat, Lower your water heater temperature, Use AC during off-peak energy hours, and Replace your old AC for a more energy efficient one.

Q: How Can I Save Energy in my Summer Apartment?

A: Great ways to save energy when you’re a renter are to Find free AC in public places, Utilize fans instead of Air Conditioning, Let in cooler air at night, Adjust your thermostat, and Use AC during off-peak energy hours. You can also benefit from having your landlord replace your air filters. Replacing your air filters helps your AC unit run more efficiently, costing you less on your energy bill.

Q: Which Saves the Most Energy During Summer?

A: The way to save the most energy in the summer is to not run your AC unit. We know and understand that not running your AC is not realistic. So do it responsibly! Try running it during off-peak hours, replace your filters before the start of the season, and try to let in cool air from outside when you can.

Q: How Can I Lower my Cooling Costs in Summer?

A: Along with our eight energy-saving tips for summer, you can also save money when it comes to heating elements like water! Reducing your water temperature to the recommended 120F can save you a hefty amount on your energy bill. All you have to do is have access to your water heater to adjust the temperature!

Q: How Do I Keep My AC Bill Low in Summer?

A: The best way to keep your AC bill low this summer is to keep an eye on it. You can’t lower something if you don’t keep track of what lower is! Start tracking how you’re spending your energy now. Then, once summer comes, keep track of the temperature settings of your home and how much it’s costing you.

Do you Need Cheaper Electricity?

If you’ve taken the time to understand the information on your bill and discovered you’re paying more than you’d like for your electricity, have you looked around for a cheaper deal? The Energy Professor has a wealth of information on ways to save on your utilities, including details of top deals that could significantly reduce your monthly or quarterly electricity bills.

We hope you found this article helpful! If you are looking for ways to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in your home, be sure to take a look at all of the latest renewable energy options in your area. The Energy Professor helps residential and small business owners find qualified energy suppliers in New YorkNew JerseyPennsylvania, Texas, Ohio, Maryland, Illinois, and Massachusetts.

Kurt Gillman

Kurt Gillman is a seasoned professional in the energy industry, with over 3 years of experience in writing about sustainable solutions for The Energy Professor clients to help them save money. He has lived in various parts of the United States, including Wisconsin, New York City, and Southern California, which has given him a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities presented by different environments and energy needs. Throughout his career, Kurt has been committed to creating helpful energy solution guides that help clients save money while also benefiting the planet. He has a deep passion for understanding of the latest technologies and trends in the renewable energy sector, and he uses his experience to guide readers in making informed decisions about their energy future. As a writer for The Energy Professor, Kurt is proud to be part of a team that is dedicated to creating a sustainable future for all. He understands that every reader has unique needs and goals, and he works closely with his team to develop customized solutions that meet their specific requirements and save them money.