Do Dehumidifiers Use a Lot of Electricity?

This article is your guide to answering the question of, “Do dehumidifiers use a lot of electricity?” For a short answer, dehumidifiers do not use that much electricity compared to other appliances in the household. The average electric dryer can use up to 5000 watts on average, which is more than 10x what a dehumidifier uses! The average dehumidifier only uses around 500 watts of energy, which is much less than something like a household dryer.

Our guide is going to cover all you need to know like the cost to run a dehumidifier and if you should be worried about the overall costs. So, if you want to learn all about how much electricity a dehumidifier uses, keep reading!

Here at The Energy Professor, we want to give you the information you need to not only save money on your energy bill but to also become more energy efficient. We hope find this post helpful and know how much energy a dehumidifier use in 2024! Be sure to also check out our one of a kind energy savings calculator!

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Do Dehumidifiers Use a Lot of Electricity?

Compared to other electric appliances, dehumidifiers don’t use that much energy. With that being said, depending on the size and how much you use your dehumidifier, it could cost you a lot! In comparison, a dehumidifier uses more energy than an air purifier or a TV, but less energy than a space heater or air fryer.

Dehumidifiers have a lot of factors to consider with their energy usage, since the temperature of your room, the efficiency of the dehumidifier, and the humidity of your area all play a factor. That’s why in this article, we are going to do our best to give you the average data for dehumidifier electricity usage.

How much electricity does a dehumidifier use?

As a rule of thumb, the average dehumidifier uses about 500W of energy per hour of use, which is lower than most appliances in the household. That is an average dehumidifier wattage, as, many different sizes of dehumidifiers can change your energy usage. We are going to cover the different levels of dehumidifier power consumption with the various sizes of dehumidifiers available.

Related post: How Much Does it Cost to Run a Space Heater?

How Many Watts Does a Dehumidifier Use?

As we mentioned above, the average dehumidifier uses about 500W of electricity per kWh. The average small 30-pint dehumidifier uses only about 300W of energy, which is much less than the average. That’s why it is important to pay attention the to kWh or wattage of your dehumidifier before you purchase it. There are dehumidifiers on the market from small, low-wattage machines to large, high-wattage dehumidifiers that can use upwards of 900 watts.

How much energy does a dehumidifier use?

  • Small dehumidifiers – Between 200 – 400 watts
  • Medium dehumidifiers – Between 400 – 600 watts
  • Large dehumidifiers – Between 600 – 900 watts

What is the energy consumption of different dehumidifiers?

  • 22 pint – 300 watts
  • 30 pint – 460 watts
  • 50 pint – 590 watts
  • 70 pint – 650 watts

How much electricity does a dehumidifier use per month?

If you want to figure out dehumidifier energy usage per month, we will have to come up with average numbers that a household might use. Let’s say the average house runs its dehumidifier for 8 hours a day, every single day. We will then take the average wattage of the dehumidifier, at 500 watts, and multiply that by our monthly usage.

That means on average, dehumidifiers use about 120, 000 watts of energy per month if used for 8 hours a day! That is about 120 kW, which is what energy companies use to charge for electricity usage.

Related post: How to Understand My Electric Bill

How Much Does it Cost To Run a Dehumidifier?

It costs about $17 to run the average dehumidifier for 8 hours a day per month. As we’ve mentioned before, you should use that number as a guide, as there are many different dehumidifiers on the market. The average consumer pays around $0.14 per kWh in the United States, therefore, we multiplied that by the average monthly dehumidifier watts to figure out the monthly costs. If you need to run your dehumidifier for 24 hours a day, you should expect to pay about $30 – $50 a month.

If you want to figure out your dehumidifier energy use, you can check the wattage of your dehumidifier and what you pay for an electricity rate on your bill.

How much does it cost to run a dehumidifier per day?

If you’re using the average dehumidifier, you’ll be spending about $0.50 per day in electricity costs to run it for 8 hours a day. If you’re running a dehumidifier for 24 hours a day, you’ll be paying closer to $1 per day for electricity costs. That number could be a lot more if you have a large dehumidifier in a large, humid space.

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How to Save on Your Dehumidifier Energy Costs

Now that we’ve learned about the true costs of using a dehumidifier, we can learn how to save on them! One of the easiest tips you can use for lowering your dehumidifier energy costs is only running it when you need it. Letting your dehumidifier run all day can drive up electricity costs and double how much you pay monthly for your device.

Other tips and tricks for saving on dehumidifier electricity costs:

  • Choose the right size – When buying your dehumidifier, make sure you pick the correct size for the room you need. If you choose one that is too large, it will waste energy and use more than you need.
  • Keep it clean – A dirty dehumidifier has to work twice as hard as a clean one, which will drive up costs and lower efficiency. Make sure you clean out your dehumidifier frequently for optimum use.
  • Upkeep your home – Leaks or ventilation issues can cause extra moisture in your house, making it more humid. Fix leaks or drafty windows to help your dehumidifier work the best.
  • Pick Energy Star Appliances – Energy Star appliances are rated the highest for efficiency and save consumers the most money when it comes to energy. Picking energy-efficient appliances will save you in the long run and help lower your energy consumption.

Related post: Complete Guide to the Best Electricity-Saving Devices for Homes

Dehumidifier Power Consumption FAQ

Q: Do dehumidifiers increase the electric bill?

A: Yes, dehumidifiers will increase the electric bill. All dehumidifiers, no matter the size, will use energy and increase your electric bill. With that being said, smaller units that you only run for a few hours may only increase your bill by a few dollars. Other models could increase your energy bill up to $50 more if you’re running them frequently.

Q: How much does a dehumidifier cost per month?

A: Depending on the size, your dehumidifier could cost you anywhere between $10 – 50 a month. There are many different models of dehumidifiers, with the average using about 500W and about $25 a month in costs.

Q: How long do you need to run a dehumidifier?

A: If you are living in a humid space, you should be running your dehumidifier for at least 12 hours a day for some time. That will allow the machine to remove the moisture from the air properly in the most efficient way.

Q: How many watts does a 50-pint dehumidifier use?

A: A 50-pint dehumidifier uses about 600 W of electricity, which is a little more than the average amount.

Do you Need Cheaper Electricity?

If you’ve taken the time to understand the information on your bill and discovered you’re paying more than you’d like for your electricity, have you looked around for a cheaper deal? The Energy Professor has a wealth of information on ways to save on your utilities, including details of top deals that could significantly reduce your monthly or quarterly electricity bills.

We hope you found this article helpful! If you are looking for ways to increase  energy efficiency and sustainability in your home be sure to take a look at all of the latest renewable energy options in your area. The Energy Professor helps residential and small business owners find qualified energy suppliers in New YorkNew JerseyPennsylvania, Texas, Ohio, Maryland, Illinois, and Massachusetts