Use our Solar tool below to calculate how much you could save at your address by switching to Solar Panels. We use the latest tools from Google to provide the most accurate estimates based on your roof, recent electric bills and our list of trusted solar installers.
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These estimates are based on the information you entered above. The actual savings for your address will be based
on the final assessment of your property and most importantly how much electricity your solar panel system
will generate, as well as how you pay for your system and a few other factors.
Pay up front, largest lifetime savings. You pay the full cost up front and own the solar system without any additional payments over time. As the outright owner, you may claim any local, state, or federal incentives.
Upfront cost after incentives
20-year benefits
Total 20-year savings
Years until payback
Up-front cost of installation
$7,369 |
Total payments over 20 years
$8,039 |
State and Federal Incentives
$3,667 |
Total 20-year cost with solar
Includes above costs and incentives.
$12,094 |
Total 20-year cost without solar
Assumes 2.2% annual increase in electricity prices. |
$22,831 |
Total 20-year savings
$10,737 |
Instant savings, zero down. You will make monthly payments to a solar leasing company who owns and maintains your system. You will have small upfront costs and you may have the option to purchase your system outright in the future.
Upfront cost after incentives
Average annual savings
Total 20-year savings
Up-front cost of installation |
$0 |
Total payments over 20 years
$10,364 |
Total 20-year cost with solar
Includes above costs and incentives.
$6,496 |
Total 20-year cost without solar
Assumes 2.2% annual increase in electricity prices. |
$6,496 |
Total 20-year savings
$6,496 |
Own your system, pay over time. A loan is a great way to take advantage of the incentives and long-term savings of a solar system without providing all of the cash up front. Every month, you will make payments to re-pay your loan principal and interest.
Upfront cost after incentives
20-year benefits
Total 20-year savings
Up-front cost of installation |
$0 |
Total payments over 20 years
$10,364 |
Total 20-year cost with solar
Includes above costs and incentives. |
$6,496 |
Total 20-year cost without solar
Assumes 2.2% annual increase in electricity prices. |
$6,496 |
Total 20-year savings
$6,496 |
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