What is a Good Temperature for AC?


Warmer weather always has us thinking, what is a good temperature for AC? Maybe you’re trying to save money on your energy bill or run your AC more efficiently. Air conditioners are designed to keep us cool and comfortable. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that even a slight increase in your air conditioner’s temperature can significantly impact your next electric bill. Every degree you raise the temperature translates into more money spent. So what exactly is is optimal AC temp? This article will discuss good temperature for AC to help you save on your electric bill. While also being more energy efficient and giving you tips to keep your home cool in the summer without breaking the bank on your air conditioner.

Here at The Energy Professor, we want to give you the information you need to not only save money on your energy bill but also to become more energy efficient. We hope you find this post helpful! And makes it easier for you to know more about what to put AC on. Be sure to also check out our one-of-a-kind energy savings calculator!

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What’s a Good Temperature for AC?


According to the Department of Energy, in 2024 the best temp for AC is 78° Fahrenheit. While this is what the DoE determines as the ideal temperature for AC, it may feel too warm and uncomfortable for you. Especially in the heat of the summer. If you have an air conditioner in your home, you may have wondered what temperature is best to keep you cool and still have your money. We recommend anywhere between 72°-78° F as the standard temperature for your AC to be on in the summer.

What Should I Set My Air Conditioner To?

  • Anywhere between 72°-78° F is the standard temperature for your AC to be on in the summer to help you save on your electric bill. The colder you put your AC temperature at, the cooler your house will be. But it will also cause you to spend more on your next electric bill.

“In essence, determining the best temp for air conditioning can lead to significant savings. The higher you set your air conditioning temperature, the more money you’ll save. However, as you adjust the AC, your home’s internal temperature will also increase. Many wonder, “What should the air conditioner be set at?” A commonly suggested temperature for air conditioning, especially at night or when you’re away, is 82°F. But this might not be the ideal AC temperature for everyone. Some may find it too warm, making it difficult to maintain comfort. But fear not, in this article, we’ll delve into the best AC temperature to save money and provide tips to keep your home cool while running your AC in a cost-effective setting. By heeding these suggestions, you’ll find the perfect equilibrium between comfort and cost-saving.”

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What is the Ideal AC Temperature for Energy Efficiency?


The best way to become more energy efficient with your air conditioner is to upgrade your old unit. If you’re grappling with an aging air conditioning unit, you could be spending more money than necessary. As time passes, older AC models tend to consume more power and electricity than their newer, energy-efficient counterparts. This makes setting your AC to a good temperature for  easier and more affordable. So, it might be time to consider investing in an energy-efficient air conditioner that won’t break the bank. For instance, an Energy Star Certified air conditioner can be up to 15% more efficient than outdated models with the most efficient air conditioner settings. These newer models will help you stay cooler in a low-power setting. You might want to take a look at LG’s latest units, which are 25% more efficient than the Energy Star requirements, not to mention quieter, and more affordable due to their energy efficiency.

Best Settings for AC Temperatures 2024

  • If you’re looking to save money on your electric bill, the “Energy Saver” setting is the way to go. It happens to be our top pick as well. This setting is designed to switch off the AC unit once your home’s temperature reaches the desired level, thus helping you save money on energy costs. By utilizing this setting, you can make the most of your air conditioner without sacrificing your wallet.

When considering what to put AC on, it’s essential to understand that air conditioning units typically come with three fan settings: high, medium, and low. While the high setting might seem the most effective for cooling during regular warm days, it might not be the ideal choice during times of high humidity. In such conditions, the AC thermostat temperature set on a low fan setting can be more efficient for cooling. If you’re contemplating an upgrade, investing in an energy-efficient air conditioner can be a game-changer. These units are crafted to use less power while ensuring optimal cooling, aligning with the recommended temperature for AC. By minimizing energy wastage and operating more efficiently, these AC models can significantly reduce your energy consumption, reflecting a decrease in your electric bill. Ultimately, an energy-efficient air conditioner can save you a substantial amount annually, ensuring your home remains cool and inviting.

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Tips for Keeping House Cool with AC


When summer temperatures start to soar, many people reach for their air conditioning units to stay cool. Now knowing the ideal temperature for AC, let’s go over some other helpful tips to keep you cool. With the optimal AC temp of 78°F, it may feel too warm for some. However, there are several effective ways to keep your house cool without relying on air conditioning.

Cooler Temps for AC Tips and Tricks

  • Close blinds to keep the sun out during the day
  • Close doors to rooms you aren’t using to keep cool air where you need it most
  • Change your lightbulbs to LED so they don’t produce a lot of heat
  • Open windows on cooler nights and shut AC units off when not needed
  • Weatherstrip doors and windows to keep out hot air
  • Try to use fewer heat appliances like stoves and ovens

By making changes like the ones above to your home, you may see a change in your electric bill. Relying on just air conditioning to cool your house is a big mistake for homeowners and will cost you a lot of money.

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What Should You Set Your Air Conditioner On FAQ