How to do a DIY Home Energy Audit

This article is your complete guide to learning how to do a home energy audit yourself! A DIY home energy audit is an essential step for any homeowner interested in making their home more energy efficient. While also reducing unnecessary energy usage. Not only can it help you identify where you are losing energy, but […]

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Are Energy Star Appliances Worth It?

This article is your complete guide to finding out if Energy Star appliances are worth the price point. In short, the simple answer is yes. While they tend to be a bit more expensive than your standard appliance, you will save money in the long run. But it depends on what’s worth it for you […]

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Can a Power Surge Damage Appliances?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on understanding power surge damage and how it can affect your household appliances. As homeowners, we often overlook the potential risks associated with electrical fluctuations. However, it’s crucial to be informed about the impacts of power surges and the measures we can take to protect our homes. In this blog, […]

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What are Energy-Efficient Windows?

This article is your complete guide to energy-efficient windows 2023. Whether you’re renovating your home or building a new one, the choice of windows can significantly impact both the look and energy efficiency of your home. That’s where energy-efficient windows come into the picture, which is a fantastic way to reduce energy costs and create […]

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